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Locating Galaxy NGC 2442 in Volans

Image Sources and Details

This set of images was created to indicate how astronomers go about locating objects in the sky. The target for the exercise is the barred spiral galaxy, NGC 2442, in the faint constellation Volans. The star charts, pages 1 to 6, were generated by Starry Night Pro.
  1. Southern Sky Star chart
  2. Southern Sky Star chart with constellation stick figures
  3. Southern Sky Star chart with lables
  4. Southern Sky Star chart with classical constellation figures
  5. Southern Sky Star chart with the Southern Cross, False Cross and Volans indicated
  6. Star chart of Volans with brighter stars and NGC 2442 labelled
  7. Portion of the sky around NGC 2442 obtained from the Deep Sky Survey
  8. The Colour image of NGC 2442 on page 11 was taken by Daniel Verschatse. It was downloaded from Daniel's site: Observatorio Antilhue - Chile. There are many fine images in the gallery pages of this amateur observatory. Daniel notes that advances in CCD imaging equipment have enabled amateur astrphotographers to obtain sharp and detailed images of galaxies the rival the best results obtainable in professional observatories only 10 years ago.
NGC 2442 is a barred spiral galaxy, about 6x5 arc minutes in dimensions and magnitude of 11.8.

It is about 50 million light years distant. It has an active nucleus. It appears to be in the process of being distorted by an unseen companion.