Alpha Cen System Index

The Alpha Centauri Star System

[1] - [2] - [3]

Southern Milky Way

This region of the Milky Way is thick with clouds of stars. Among them are the three closest stars to the Sun: Alpha Centauri A and B, a close pair, and Proxima Centauri, their travelling companion, some distance away.

Alpha and Beta Centauri are the bright stars on the left of the image. Proxima Centauri is below them. Point there to view the names of these three stars. Click on Alpha or Proxima Centauri to move to the next page.

Photo credit: Axel Mellinger

map alf cir map jewel box map coal sack map eps cen map del cen map gam cen map bet cen map alf cru map alf cru map bet_cen map alf cen map prox

Move the mouse over the image
to display the names of some of the objects.

Alpha and Proxima Centauri
are the only objects with active links.