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Some Stars and Nebulae in Orion

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Distance1359.01 light years
Apparent Magnitude1.68
Absolute Visual Magnitude-6.42
Variabilitytiny < 0.06 Mag
Radius44 solar radii
Companionsbinary > 10" sep
Temperature15,903 Kelvin
B-V colour-0.18
Luminosity112,435 suns
Alnilam is a blue supergiant star. It is much younger than the Sun and very much more massive. It is burning much more brightly than the Sun and is using fuel at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Alnilam will have a much shorter life than the Sun. Once its fuel is exhausted, Anilam's core will collapse to a neutron star or possibly a black hole. This will trigger a supernova explosion that will hurl enormous amounts of outer-layer material into surrounding space.

Alnilam is member of a multiple star system. Its slight variability may be caused by a companion that regularly passes across its face.