
High-Z Supernova Search

Table of Contents
The Expanding Universe
The Fate of the Universe [1] [2] [3] [4]
Type Ia Supernovae
Searching for Distant Type Ia Supernovae
Search Results
Search Conclusions

Measuring the Fate of the Universe

A favourite model amongst theorists is a Universe that is precariously balanced between being finite and infinite. This is known as a critical universe. Space neither curves away nor onto itself. It is flat, and is, for most theorists infinite.

A final possibility is that the Universe has something other than gravity in it that causes the Universe to accelerate over time. It would indeed be a mysterious substance that could have such an effect!

2D representations of the shape of the Universe. Universes with lots of material curve onto themselves like a sphere. Universes with little matter curve away from themselves like a saddle. And Universes with just the right amount of material are flat.